How to split a single segment job into multiple jobs on the same day

This is a step-by-step guide on how to split a single segment job into multiple jobs on the same day. 

In the following example, we will be splitting a job that runs from 7:30AM-3:30PM into two jobs that run from 7:30AM to 11:30AM and 11:30AM to 3:30PM.

1. Navigate to the Job Details page of any single-segment job.

2. Click Edit Segment, then edit the Schedule and Start/End time of the job to match one of the two jobs you are trying to create. In this case, we will change the job to the AM job (7:30AM-11:30AM). Click Save

3. Click Add Segments.

4. Enter the Site and select the Date of the afternoon job segment and click Next.

5. Enter the Schedule, Start and End times, Job Reason, and Job Position then click Add Segment.

6. Click Split to split the two job segments into two jobs.

Note: Itinerant Schedule means the job has multiple job segments on the same day. You can view the job segments by using the corresponding arrow. The date within the calendar will also turn orange.

7. Use the checkbox to select the job segment to split and click Split Segment button. In this example, the afternoon job segment.

8. The afternoon job segment has been successfully split. View it by clicking the Child Job ID link. 

9. From the child job details page, return to the original job by clicking the Parent Job ID link. Both jobs can now be managed separately.

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